Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



I hope I can remember what I was going to write. Sometime this morning, somewhere between lying back down for "five more minutes" and resting my forehead on the tile in the shower, I had a minute spark of brain activity about something I wanted to write here. I'll be damned if I can remember it now. I should get a voice recorder for in the shower to take notes. At that hour of the morning I can't hold a pencil very steady.

And my Visor isn't really fond of taking showers with me.

It's been a little busy. The structure of things lately has been: take on a project, have something happen so that the project appears overwhelming, begin to tackle the daunting workload, have someone else come in and scale the project down to a reasonable scope and time line. I'm beginning to get a complex about I over-complicating things? Am I letting people walk all over me? But then why does the whole process from complication to rescue seem like it happens with nearly no involvement from me? I shouldn't dwell on it.

Yes, I've been avoiding writing here a little bit, often just because I wasn't in the mood. I spent an evening looking up links to British Musicals from around 1978 for someone's online contest, if that tells you anything. But some nights I would come home, drained from work; try to speed read my favorite sites; have dinner with the Roommate; call the Boyfriend; and then by the time I sat down to try and answer some email that night I'd find that the words just didn't want to come out.

I think I've also been in a bad cycle of trying to do too much in a day and staying up until 3 every night to get in some personal time after it all. This certainly nothing new, but it's certainly contributed to these temporary aphasic episodes. Plus, in the long run, I can already tell I'll be paying for that extra time in wrinkles. Oh, Vanity, where is thy sting?

The Boyfriend and I went to Beach Blanket Babylon last weekend. It was a nifty show. I wasn't bowled over by it, but they had some funny jokes (and some horrible puns) and some very talented performers�in particular, Ren�e Lubin kicked a lot of ass. As do the hats. I feel like a more complete San Franciscan now. I can tell visitors to the city what to expect. And this also means I'm off the hook for seeing it for another ten years or so.

Do I want to go to SXSW 2002? The past couple of years I've read so many stories from the Interactive conference there, and it just sounds like an interesting time. On the other hand, would I be better served taking a week and spending it sequestered with a bunch of programming books?

If I'm gonna go, I should probably start planning for it sometime soon. It's tricky since we were planning to take that three-week trip to Spain in the spring...maybe. I mean, yes, that's the plan and we're standing by it,'s complicated. So I'm saving my vacation time to do that, and will likely have an extra week that I can blow on SXSW. I find it funny that even though I'm not going to get the bonus week of vacation this year, I'll be in better shape for a Spring vacation if I don't take it.

I'm distressed to find a white stripe of paint on the sleeve of my nice leather jacket. I suspect an accidently painted door handle, but I haven't been very observant lately. I may have leaned against someone's paint bucket for all I can tell. All I know is that, with my luck, they're using an industrial-strength oil paint inside the new building and it will never ever come off.

But hey, stripes are nice.

I'm sure they're painting furiously in hopes of finishing before the company holiday party. This year, what with the state of the economy and budget issues, the party will be at the company headquarters, right after work one day. This is obviously not going to be the lavish event it was in the Internet Boom days. I'll be curious to see what it's like.

I'm beat. I made a decision sometime this week that I was going to give up espresso in the afternoons. I'm allowing myself as much regular coffee as I want, and I'm still getting a double shot of espresso in my morning coffee. But I'm hoping that maybe that will keep me from staying up until 3 as a result.

Y-A-A-A-AWN. It might be working.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.