Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



I don't know if I haven't posted because I didn't have much to say or I was too busy doing stuff. Hard to tell. Somehow the weekend came and went, and while the Boyfriend and I did dinner and a movie, it all seemed to go by so quickly. I know I got a good vacuuming in, and finally set up the DVD player I got for my birthday (and yes, it is indeed quite a nice piece of technology. Mom and Dad give cool presents.) But otherwise I blinked and here we are.

Time is just flying by. The month's ending already? I'm not sure I understand how this happened. Last week I had nothing to do. Nothing. Friday I sat around all day surfing the Web at work, waiting to get approval to send a finished project out. Monday I made the fatal mistake of offering to help with a project; it has not slowed down since then. Of course that project melted down, the project I already had melted down shortly afterwards, and another "emergency" job came through the department to be completed.

But I'm rolling along, even in the midst of the madness. I'm in a pretty good mood, which I guess is a good thing, even if I have to spend it at work.

It must be a pretty good mood indeed; I decided Halloween gives me an excuse to wear black bat wings out of the house and into the office. And on the train to work. Thankfully I left for work a little early, so I was able to get on a train that had room for me to stand. I'm getting better at negotiating corners, though I do find myself clipping objects on my desk as I walk past. I think I saw Victor on the train this morning, but I didn't want to risk putting people's eyes out to walk over and ask.

It's funny that so many people here have on a little halloween costume piece or a wig. I don't remember there being so many people dressed for Halloween since the old days at our company (I have to laugh at myself, reminiscing about the "Good Old Days" of 1998), but I also wasn't sitting in the middle of all these Marketing people; it was a bunch of stodgy reporters and accountants. Oh, that's right, and last year I was in New York on Halloween.

So far I've gotten the "what are you supposed to be?" question a couple of times. The best answer I can give right now is "a Dark Angel." What I really want to say is "What, these? I just forgot to clip them this morning." While it's understandable that people would ask (as it is the day for costumes) in some ways it's not really a fair question. I mean, what am I supposed to be on any given day? Nobody asks the rest of the year, and I'd argue that I'm dressed more "in-character" today, when I'm less inhibited to let my freak flag fly.

If I could, would I actually have wings growing out my body? If they were functional, probably, but I'd definitely want to consult a tailor first.

And I'd need a new chair. My back is killing me.

Our boss just poked her head in my office and told me that since she was leaving early (to get home before the trick-or-treaters showed up, hopefully) that I should try to do the same if I could. I told her thank you, but that I was actually hoping to leave early tomorrow instead, because it's Bingo night. Then she looked at me funny. I forget that people don't understand that bingo with the Sisters is a little more than just bingo. "It's the Queerest entertainment you can get without a sexual organ involved!"

So it's true: I've got the wings but nowhere to fly to. I've no real plans for Halloween night. But really, I'm fine with that. I'm not particularly keen on wandering around in the Castro through the crush of people there, even if it is supposed to be quieter this year out of fear of Anthrax-laden terrorists crashing trucks in the street or whatever. I did Halloween in the Castro once years ago with out-of-town guests so I know what I'm missing, and frankly I'm not much for crowds in the first place. There's even less reason for me to want to go to the Civic Center Halloween thing.

Tomorrow, however, will be a test of my resolve. While I want to go check out discounted Halloween decorative items (because I might as well stock up now, right?) I really shouldn't buy any of the bags of Halloween candy which will be there, on sale, tempting me. ON SALE, for chrissakes. How can I turn away all that candy that needs a home?...No, I must be strong; to succumb would be very, very naughty.

Tasty, but naughty.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.