Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Well, I'm feeling remarkably better. Allowing myself a day and half to be sick may have helped; though having lived through four days worth of being ill, it probably just burned itself out. Strange, though, how much better I felt -- all of a sudden -- after midnight on Saturday Night.

Of course, part of the cure involved sleeping most of Saturday, so my already fragile sleeping schedule is completely out of whack again. Not that, oh, say, a strong wind couldn't push me off my schedule, but.... So I can tell already that this entry is going to skip around a bit, suffering as I am with leftovers from the cold on top of sleep deprivation.

The last time the Boyfriend and I missed Date Night on Saturday, I was in a funk for three days afterwards. Now, while I would have liked to have seen him, it's probably better that we didn't try and hang out. I was rather grumpy (apologies to the Roommate -- yet again) and wasn't particularly up to doing anything besides sitting on my ass in front of the Internet that night, regardless how I felt later on. And I didn't have wierd anxiety attacks about it because, well, we discussed it ahead of time. Um...duh. Like a little communication isn't the key to all interpersonal stuff?

God, I'm such a pillow case.

I spent much of Sunday night reading PeeKay's journal and basically feeding my inferiority complex. He's a better graphic designer than I am, writes as sharp as a tack, in his spare time he does volunteer work with gay youth, and on top of all that girlfriend's thin.

We hate her.

But seriously, I love PeeKay's wit and style. And I do marvel how he's managed to arrange his time and energy to do so much. If it's not an innate talent, it seems like a skill that might take me a lifetime to master.

I finally managed to turn off the computer and lie in bed staring at the backs of my eyelids. That's when the car alarm started going off. One of these nights I'm going to make good on my promise to shut off an annoying car alarm with a brick. This time I think it was at the limousine company, the ones who we hear vacuuming late into the night, rather than the VW/Volvo dealership. But then, this is the price we pay for living so close to the nightclub district. Which has been rapidly fading away despite some people's best efforts. And which we never go out to anyway. Why do I live here again?

It is far too bright and warm for early February. Particularly since the curtain rods in my office tend to slip, leaking a lot more light than I require. They're held in place by tension, but fall down every once in a while, requiring me to precariously climb up to fix everything. Oddly enough, this is also a very apt description of my department at work.

Not sure what to do for Valentine's day now...the restaurant where we've had our Traditional Valentine's Day Dinner is no longer serving dinner. He's volunteered to go to Milllenium (to stay on the gourmet vegetarian theme) but I know he wasn't happy with the food there when we last went. Hmm. Somehow I need to figure this out in between getting better, doing a lot of work at work, and hopefully doing some planning for a new site of my own. (Because I don't have enough to do already.)

Whoops. That conference call was for 3PM Eastern, not Pacific. That explains why I didn't hear anything going on in my boss's office. I'm still trying to the hang of this bi-coastal office thing.

I realize that after updating my personal links page and agonizing over filling an empty spot, I had left a dear friend's journal off altogether. Bad me! Then I remembered that I hadn't asked if she'd minded being on a semi-public page, which was why she wasn't there to begin with. So I was actually being nice. Good me!

Now I just need time each day to read all my "daily" links.

Mmmkay. I've actually been kind of productive today, which is remarkable given my scrambled brain. I'm definitely waking back up as a professional graphics person, which is good, I guess. At least I know I don't have to go back to slinging espresso for a living.




2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.