Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



I'll scratch you raw
L'etat c'est moi
I drink the drink
And I'm wall to wall
I absorb trust like a love rhombus
I feel I must elucidate
I ate the chump with guile
Quadrilateral I was
Now I warp like a smile
Yellow number five, yellow number five, five, five...

"Bus to Beelzebub", Soul Coughing

I'm actually excited about decorating for my Black Christmas again this year. Except that I'm behind again. I forgot to stock up on black spiders and fake cobwebs from Halloween, aiming for a Jack Skellington sort of holiday look. I'll have to stop by Toys'R'Us in the wee hours to see if they have anything left over. Doubt it, but it's worth a shot.

Wow. Ask and the Universe (or at least Sherilyn) provides. She lent me black and grey curtains for the windows in my office. I picked one up, shook it out and cried out, "They're so creepy! I love them!" Now I just need attractive tension rods to hold them in place. No way I'll be able to drill into the metal frames up there. And you know what that means. I have to go to Bed Bath and Beyond, much to the Roommate's chagrin. Thank the gods they take Discover, since my VISA card is a little full after vacation.

Oh good, and there's the statement in the mail today. I'll pay now. I got into credit card trouble as an art student, but only about $700 for Art Supplies and Food that I couldn't pay back. Mommy, thankfully, opened a "second notice" statement by accident and paid it off for me. Since then, I've been good to the point of obsessive about paying on time. Other friends of mine have had to declare bankruptcy to pay off their debts. Yikes.

At least I'm still employed. Our company's stock took a big dump last week. Again. So I have an addendum to my recent work mantra: "A bunch of stock vests in what?"

Since Thanksgiving is next week, a lot of people at work have suddenly woken up. "Oh my god, the year's ending!" They say. "We have to make money before then!" Suddenly everyone has a plan or deal that they seem to have forgotten about in the ten and a half months prior, but -- surprise! -- all of them need to go up before Thanksgiving. The next couple weeks at work are doozies, and then around December 12, everything will become very quiet until later in January. At least, that's the way it's been for four years now. Annoying, but predictable.

Of course, this year has had no lack of annoying but no amount of predictable. So we'll see what actually happens.

Normally I just sort of go along with what other people want to do for fun. This weekend I was decisive for a change. Saturday night we saw Dancer In The Dark. Not a perfect film, but very powerful nonetheless. I'm very glad I saw it, but I don't think I'll be able to see it again -- it's a hard film to watch. I may have to get a copy of SelmaSongs, though, which I didn't seem to appreciate much before seeing the movie.

OK, much work to be done. Laundry to fold, graphics to design, and I need to tell my mom that I'm coming for Thanksgiving. And I have to finish Diablo 2 before The Sims: Livin' Large arrives (Sometime next week, they've said...)

I can't wait. Because I've got such volumes of extra time, of course...



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.