Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



(N.B. Yikes! I'm behind in posting again! This is posting retroactive to last week; I'll try to get another post up soon.)

Our DSL seemed to be working improperly this weekend. I would occasionally squeeze a website through, but it seemed to lack the attention span to get more than one, or to check for my mail. Fuck, I hate that. Why would I want to live like I did before I used the internet? (Actually, I can't even remember how I lived before the Internet...) I always suspect the Roommate of taking more bandwidth for himself, but I know that's just fantasy. He's wasn't even here on Saturday, so how could he?

Thanksgiving was mostly uneventful, save for a good bash to the forehead when I was washing my car before I left. Now with a bandage on the owie at my temple and Republican hair (which is what happens when it really needs to be cut), I look like a reasonable impression of George W. Bush. Only hopefully less stupid.

Oh, and one other fun moment with the family. We were looking at pictures from my trip. I didn't realize I had pictures of the rooms and therefore the (not two separate, but one king or queen sized) bed from almost all of places we stayed. And Will and Grace has come on in the next room. These are separate events, but in my mind I heard the TV literally shouting "I'm gay! I'm gay!" while my father and grandmother (neither of whom I'm explicitly out to) looked at vacation pictures of my boyfriend and I, and basically all the rooms where we slept together.

I don't think that the anxiety of this is an experience that straight people can share.

But "when will you find a girlfriend" was never said that night . Never mentioned a "wife" to buy a house for. I mean, yes, it's pretty obvious here that I'm not a typical male. But can't we just stop pussy-footing around the subject? Sigh. Well, it only really bothers me once or twice a year. I should stop compaining. At least they don't assume. Or at least, I assume they don't assume.

I spent the rest of weekend absorbing Media. I got much farther in Diablo II. I saw a pair of great movies that I'd meant to see last year on DVD: Pecker, and Gods and Monsters. Both were quite excellent. I got in geek time, family time, boyfriend time, shopping time, I even ended up doing some web design work of my own!. That hasn't happened in months.

And now this week at work I am hating life tremendously.

I will eventually have time to install Livin' Large, which finally arrived Monday, a week after it was available in stores. [sarcasm] I'm so happy I bothered to preorder it at full price. [/sarcasm] Ah well. There's never enough time to do it all, is there?

Can I at least make some time to do some of it?



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.