Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Ooh baby, it's cold outside.

The evening news (WNBC-4) said that New York City may get the coldest weather it's had since last winter. They say that there's even a potential for snow. I suppose that's not so important right now; I suppose it'll be unlikely to stick on the Manhattan pavement.

The Boyfriend sleeps in the other room of our midtown suite. It's quite a sweet room. I'm spending my saturday night writing and watching Iron Chef on the Food Network (Oh Goodness! Today's ingredient is Oxtail! How will they ever do it?!?) in a hotel bathrobe listening to Park Avenue speeding past.

Let me tell you, I could get used to this.

After a wild and incredible dinner at a family restaurant in Little Italy -- if you want to feel like you're part of an Italian family, try eating at La Mela -- we were going to go out for a drink at a place around the corner with great junktique chairs out on the street. But given that the weather outside was frightful, we stayed in for the time change instead.

Ooh, Croquettes with Truffles, Fois Gras and Ox Tail! How inventive! But what will he use the Dried Persimmons for?

We only have a few more days here and then it's on to Virginia on the Train. While it was a little hairy getting on the train in the first place, the ride was smooth and pleasant. (hint: make train reservations for Friday trains, and be sure you have good directions for dropping off the car in Boston, unless you're good at miracles like we are. When in doubt, cover the map and just make random turns. It might work; it did for us.)

Maine was very pretty. We were told how much prettier it would have been a week earlier, but y'know? I was there then. It was pretty, and really that's all it takes.

And yes, thank you for asking; I had a very happy thirtieth birthday. Your gifts of the walker and the Geritol were greatly appreciated.

The boyfriend's parents seem to like me. We got off to a slow start, I think. I'm naturally quiet around new people. And extra quiet when I'm nervous. So you can imagine what sorts of silences I was capable of when we were left alone for the first time. But we got past that, and I think they even accepted a few of my peculiarities. Like my need to walk to get espresso each morning instead of the half-decaf blend they made.

Okay, I spent my "extra hour" from the time change watching Martha Stewart and "Great Kitchens". I must go to bed. Not to gloat, but it is under a silk bedspread, on down pillows, with a huge leather headboard. But the best part? Someone else will make the bed tomorrow.

I could really get used to this.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.