Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Self medication with new gadgetry is highly underrated. I'm greatly digging the new Rio 600, an unexpected birthday present from Mom and Dad. It only comes with 32 Mb Memory, which I'm finding is definitely not quite enough. I can get all the way home before it finishes, but if my mood changes on the way (Next mood swing: 6 minutes) I'm SOL for changing the mood. Besides, (and the bigger reason) I'm as big a geek-size-queen as the next. I want it huge! I want it powerful! I want to store my whole MP3 collection in there! Gwa-ha-hwar! More space!

But in all honesty, I've only had it two days, so it hasn't been a issue yet.

More problematic has been my new Visor, which doesn't seem to want to have any of the programs from the really old Palm (which I borrowed from the Boyfriend) installed onto it. You know it's bad when I call tech support. Of course, the call went something like:

-"Did you try this?"
-"Oh, how about this?"
-"Well at our website you can download..."
-"Got it already. Didn't help."
-"And you tried this?"

I'm a tech support dream customer/nightmare client, because I've usually done my homework and have tried the obvious things. Unfortunately that also means that it's usually something unusual and/or difficult to figure out. So our IS department and any help desk people duck when they see me coming but (hopefully) don't make fun of me at company events.

Of course, that could also be because I no longer attend company events.

Definitely glad that I didn't pack a weapon at work, as I'd likely be in jail for a killing spree. I knew this week would be nasty, so I'm purposefully being as laissez-faire as possible. My mantra for inner peace is currently "Fuck it." I love the fact that we're pulling the prima-donna designer routine across the department. We only show what things should look like. Other people should build them. Who cares if what we demand is unbuildable? That's their problem. We ignored the requirements to begin with? Well, how were we supposed to work under those limiting conditions, anyway? Why should we make good on our committment for this week when we have a much higher visibility but still pie-in-the-sky project? We provide the yellow foam in the revenue stream. (Props to Sherilyn, a goddess of unending wit and sarcasm.)

Note to self: Compulsively checking a Web page someone is working on does not make the page update propogate any faster.

The list of things I really need to get done keeps getting longer. And the time I leave is getting closer.

Late at night. I'm really supposed to have finished a bunch of work on this project. I've got nothing. I'm tired. The world will be rocked at work tomorrow for a number of reasons. I just want a Visor that works, and to pack for vacation, and to sleep now.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.