Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



No, really. I got nothin' for ya. I was going to formally protest a lack of updates by Anne by not updating, but I figure that would be a little childish. (And probably pointless, as I have no indication that she'd have ever even read my journal.) I just keep checking, hoping she'll update. *sigh*. Many of my usual places to visit on the Internet all seem to have been hit with the malaise that is August. Several journals I read have said what I was going to: "I don't think anything I've done would be interesting enough to write about."

Well, I for one will publish and let you, dear reader, decide for yourself.

The Boyfriend and I went to a Bed and Breakfast last weekend with a bunch of his friends up at the Lake. Yes, again. This time at least the place was not so Camp Granada. There was a real kitchen. The rooms, while kitchy, were decorated. We traded being "on the lake" in the dirt for having a nice patio and pool under the shade of a huge redwood tree. Much more manageable, as I'm basically a heliophobe.

He got me onto a boat in the sun. Twice. All I know is it must be love.

We left very early on Monday (Five AM) to get back to San Francisco. We ended up taking a wrong road, and some 31 bumpy, windy, one-lane-road miles later, we ended up at Lake Berryessa; roughly no closer to San Francisco than we were two hours earlier. Oops.

He missed his morning meeting, it goes without saying, but I had the whole day off save for an Optometrist's appointment. Yep, I'm just as blind as before. At least my eyesight isn't getting worse. Though I had a difficult time with one test, where they blink little lights at you check your peripheral vision. I was so sleepy I kept seeing dots where there weren't any.

I should also mention that the anniversary of my quitting smoking was last weekend as well. Thank you, yeah, I'm kind of impressed with myself, too. (Consequently the Roommate just rolled over the year mark too. Madd Propz to him as well.)

The Sims addiction and the Pokemon addiction are still battling it out full force. I'm still about 12 hours short on sleep for the week. At the moment I'm procrastinating writing this review of the latest version of Photoshop for work. At least I'm getting paid extra cash to write it. I'm trying to get in the mood to write it, but the deadline is tomorrow at noon, and I'm consequently craving chocolate. In a big way. I haven't had the munchies this bad since I quit smoking. (Note to self: don't do that. That's why you're thirty pounds overweight right now, tubbo.)

At least the Pokemon addiction -- hell, even the chocolate addiction -- don't encourage the same object lust: The same quantity of object downloads, occupying rapidly dwindling hard disk space. No, I want to have things for my little virtual people to buy with their virtual money, and I'm willing to pay with the dried-out backsides of my eyelids and my disk drive. I'm playing a game about the capitalist urge and the need for more and better toys.

I'm lusting after a virtual hot tub. Sick and wrong doesn't even begin to cover it.

I'm also lusting after a new computer but that's like saying I'm hoping for cleaner air. How can I possibly live without it?

Work? Suffice it to say that at least I haven't killed anyone at work yet. But we did hire another, employee for me. She's good. Or, I know she will be if I can keep my head out of my ass long enough to get her good things to work on.

OK, must go. It's much too late and I have 200-300 words to write on a software product I need to play with to speak intelligently about.

Oh, and what do you think...was it worth bothering to post? Personally, I'm still not sure. The Jury's still out.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.