Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Where are the Velvets, when you're coming down?
-- Tori Amos, "Hotel", From The Choirgirl Hotel

My apologies for not updating more. Whirlwinds of things are happening for me at work, as always. We're esparate for help. I'd put a spam message in here asking if anyone in San Francisco was looking for a job doing online ad creative, but I'd be your boss, and that alone should turn anyone off from the position.

OK, I won't write more about work. Work hasn't been fun; in fact, it's been anti-fun lately. So that's the last I'll say about it today.

I forget that I don't really publish in a vacuum. It's a wierd feeling when people who I've read for months ((or longer) link to me here or at Fear Not Drowning. I'm still surprised when it happens. (Hi Lara. I still owe you cornbread for New Years. :) )

(Oh, OK. And while I'm feeling linky, Hi Jay. Hi Richard. Hi Steve. Thank you all for your links, but more importantly for your words.)

The Boyfriend and I went to Martuni's after dinner on Saturday. It was across the street, we'd seen it there, campy-as-hell, and it was someplace-to-go-why-not. And they had these amateur-night quality singers doing standards and show tunes. We got seats at the bar and thought, oh what luck. Then the singers took a break. And the worst fag-house-pap came out of the speakers at full volume.

I nearly applauded when the bad singers came back.

And I did a bad thing. I'm even breaking the law to do it. I downloaded a Gameboy Emulator and a copy of Pok�mon Red. Many weekend hours when I should have been updating my journal or calling my parents or getting caught up on work any number of things were spent staring at a tiny black and white screen, yelling "Squirtle! Go!" So I paid for it by being up until 3:50AM for work Monday. Where I paid for not getting caught up on work.

It's scary that I was able to get up at 8:20AM...but the scariest part is that I woke up from a vivid dream about Jason Kottke and a Pok�mon tournament. I don't know why either.

So now I really do have to go buy a Gameboy (The bright pink one, I think) and a Pok�mon game. Not so much out of guilt for breaking the law. In fact, not really because of that at all. Mostly, because I have to use the Gameboy cable link to get the Pok�mon I need to complete the Pok�dex. Yes, I've put the crackpipe down...why?

Somewhere in the midst of this frenzy of activity a friend of mine pointed me to theYahoo Salary Wizard. Not something I needed to see.

But we're not talking about that, now, are we?



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.