Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



I woke up this morning from dreams about ghosts -- specifically, being dead and a ghost, and wandering through the world unseen, with the Roommate leading me down into a strange set of chambers under the house (which looked suspiciously like the one in The Sixth Sense, which I saw last week, through a trapdoor that looked suspiciously like one in Zork Nemesis, which I played last week. Media overload.) I turned on my computer and the Radio. The Radio program was on epitaphs, the things you'd like said for all time once you're dead. I opened memepool, and the top link was for Ghost sites.

Happy Memorial Day to you and to whomever is trying to remind me.

The Boyfriend and I did two barbecues in one day Saturday, which in some ways was better than spreading them out over the weekend. Did pretty well avoiding sunburn, except for the backs of my calves, which were exposed in shorts.

Wait, let me read that sentence again...yes, outside, in public, around people I know, in shorts. I was not arrested for public endangerment for trying to blind people, so it must not have been quite as bad as I thought. See, I have the whitest legs of any man in North America. You think I'm kidding -- well, this might be hyperbole, but that's only because there hasn't been a contest or anything. Tell me if you hear about one, as I'd be a pretty good contender.

Does make me wonder, as I sit here listening to Bloodflowers -- did my overly white complexion serve to encourage me to become a gothling as a teenager? Would I have been a goth if I could tan?

Could also be that a friend of the Boyfriend (one who works for a major clothing company here in town) suggested I start wearing blue instead of black, because it would make the color in my eyes stand out, so I'm a little sensitive. "See, they look almost grey with you in that." The point is, I don't always dress to best accent my eyes, or to make my legs look less white. I like the corpse look -- it feels as natural than anything else, if not moreso.

Took a bath today, which is unusual. It would have been better without the sunburned legs. Wish I could say I feel silky smooth and less dry-skinned and lizard-like, but I can't. Got any recommendations for skin lotion that isn't greasy, is fragrance free and lanolin free?

My mind just flashed to Silence of the Lambs. "It puts the lotion in the basket!!" On second thought, don't email me lotion recommendations.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.