Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



The week back from a vacation is one of the toughest weeks one can ever expect at work. Oh this has been a doozy. I got to exercise my Flash skills some -- something I rarely get to do at work, but that's mostly because there are people much better at Flash than I am. When it comes right down to all hands on deck emergency work, usually I'm the main contact for that. And there was plenty of that this week.

But mostly I got to look stunned a lot. That was my week.

I'm amazed that I got anything accomplished at all. It felt like I fell into a project or two or five on Monday after being gone for a couple years. And that makes me feel inadequate. And when I feel inadequate I withdraw and avoid the activity. You can see a vicious circle developing there, right? Thankfully I've been too tired or confused to even question if I feel inadequate or not.

Maybe it wasn't the best time to make a big decision, then...ah well, too late. Somehow it's not surprising, but I took the promotion. This might be the dumbest thing I've done for this company (or alternately the dumbest thing they've done to themselves). But I don't intend to leave anytime soon -- the stock options are doing their job. And if I'm going to be there doing the work, taking the abuse, I might as well get paid for it.

Today I got to approve graphics and direct other people. And people seemed to let me do it. Whoa. Trippy.

I'm deeply digging last year's Marc Almond album, Open All Night. It's dark, and funny, and quite touching, all in nice proportions. It's even a bit poppy, if you want that. But ye gods, can Marc croon. Buttery.

Went to a ballgame with the Boyfriend. No, let me take that back...we went to see the Giants slaughter the Expos. We stayed in the cold until the very end just to see exactly how bad it would end up for Montreal. But we were quite excited to see the new ball park from the inside (and we had really nice seats behind home plate). Plus we got to see a splash hit (Barry Bonds hit one into the bay), a home run single, a "snowball" (never heard the term before -- I immediately thought about Clerks and Internet Startups) and a grand slam.

I hadn't seen a baseball game at the stadium in years. I forgot that I actually like going to a ballgame now and again. Better than basketball -- too loud and squeaky -- and I'm not a really big football fan. I also forget that I know enough about baseball to be dangerous.

OK, I must sleep. I have websites to design, barbeques to attend, and most importantly, sleep to catch up on.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.