Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Well, reporting in halfway through this vacation period, we have mixed results. On the plus side, I've learned Graffiti (the palm handwriting recognition script) well enough to make notes on The Boyfriend's PalmPilot without looking. It's set up now on my computer, and I've downloaded extra software and a couple games onto it. I'm also pretty far into Spyro the Dragon. Not my fault. It was on sale at ToysRUs. I'd been eyeing it since last year. Not unlike the way the not so straight-acting sales associate at ToysRUs was eyeing me. Always nice to be flirted with, even if I do feel fatter than ever.

On the other hand, I've made no progress in redesigning my various Websites; getting my eyes examined and getting new glasses; reregistering my car to this address and getting my parking sticker; visiting my mother; returning to the dentist; buying new pants and shoes; installing MacOS 9 sometime before MacOS X is released; cleaning off my overstuffed hard drives; sorting through my collection of MP3s and throwing things away that I don't want; investing my savings better; learning Japanese; or creating the next Great American Website. That's OK, I've still got three more days off.

I think I might be a little busy over the next three days.

The Roommate is trying his hand at Journal-Keeping/Weblogging. If and when it goes public, I'll include a link. It's odd reading his journal, even though I'm doing so at his invite. Like I'm peeking into something I shouldn't. I know he doesn't come here to read this for that very reason, even though there's nothing on either site we wouldn't tell the other in person. Dunno.

The Boyfriend got his car wrapped with advertising. He was on morning TV, for which (being the dutiful boyfriend) I got up to watch at 7AM yesterday. Ouch. Yesterday afternoon, we went to an event at the ad agency (all nine cars in the promotion were there) and tried to drive across the City to the Golden Gate Bridge at rush hour. Not a good idea if you want all the cars to stay together. Oh well. It was interesting to watch traditional ad people at work, and see what other kinds of people would get their Beetles wrapped in advertising for money.

For those of you keeping track, I'm a straight-acting 6 and a brown. Thought I ought to include the links there, since ABSOLUTELY EVERY weblog and diary I visit on a regular basis already has. Keeping up with the Joneses, as it were.

Okay. Content-light entry today. Not a lot has happened lately, particularly with the sleepy weekend spent with the Boyfriend -- even though we went the local fireworks show on Saturday, he's very fond of naps on his days off -- and my game addiction.

I must go out into the world now. I'll try to do something. Otherwise you'll be bored reading me. Wait...that's my motivation? I think I should be worried about this.

Well, I'll worry about it three days from now.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.