Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



You know those pathetic posters of kittens tangled in yarn, or hanging from trees, or wet in a bathtub or some other obviously unpleasant situation, the ones that have some cliched comment like "Hang in There!" Or "I'm allergic to Mondays"?

I'm allergic to Wednesdays. That's when the panic attacks happen. That's when I'm mean to people I love. That's when I'm neck-deep in this week's crisis and have no idea how I'll make it to Friday.

I'll trade you a couple of your "Hang-in-there" Mondays for one of my Wednesdays.

* * *

I've decided that I need to drink more water. I try to drink three liter bottles a day -- one at work, two at home. It's supposed to be healthier for you. The Roommate scoffs at this petty little liquid display. He drinks three to five 1.5 liter bottles a day.

Mostly I've noticed that I'm pissing more. A lot more. Probably about three liters more, actually.

Still writing things down in my little pad. I've missed a couple things -- thought, "Oh, I must write that down for later" but failed to do so. Whatever they were -- song lyrics, names of childhood friends, solutions for world hunger, bad pun, obscure reference -- they're gone. Poof. Bye-bye. Oh well.

I ordered new socks from Land's End. I just couldn't resist the promise of "odor-free". And besides, I needed new socks. They're pretty good; after all day in boots I find that I don't have to air out my feet in my room before I pad around the house. I might consider taking off my shoes in someone's house.

Note to self: Vacumming naked is not sexy unless there's someone there to watch. Vacuuming naked alone is just vacuuming.

We're signing up for DSL at the house. This makes me happy. I like having a fast internet connection. Though the Boyfriend was a little dismayed at the one year commitment to the service. He's waiting patiently for me to decide that I want to move in to his house and shack up. Yikes. That's a big move. I still like the semi-independence of the Geek Pad, and hanging out with the Roommate.

Even with the upstairs neighbors from hell. (STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!) They're obnoxious and loud. I've figured out that they're college students, because they were on spring break last week. Of course, being the Upstairs Neighbors From Hell, they took every opportunity to party as late as possible as many nights as they could. Several mornings last week we had to get ready to the sounds of someone yacking up into the toilet above us. Sigh.

A friend in the Accounting department came into my office earlier and asked if I had any recommendations for films at the SF International Film Festival for him and his boyfriend, because "it seemed like [I] was one of the few people here who has a life outside work..." I laughed at him, and told him I was flattered that he'd think that.

But no, really, I don't.

That's the second day in a row the Jagermeister bus has driven past my office window. Perhaps I should take that as a sign...



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.