Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Looking quite forward to Valentine's Day. Taking the Boyfriend to one of my favorite restaurants, ironically called Valentine's. The name is not the reason we picked it.

We've had a couple dates there, and enjoyed it immensely. We also went to their Valentine's Day dinner last year, which was amazing. It's a five course vegetarian (or vegan) gourmet meal. As a vegetarian, it's wonderful -- so many times "fine dining" consists of a glorified salad, or a plate no more sophisticated than something I might make on a given weeknight. It's good to do something fancy every now and again.

Big scary project at work is out the door today. I'm right on schedule, assuming that there isn't some large clusterfuck around it. Oh, wait, there it is. Knew it wasn't going to be simple.

Hope I brought my umbrella today. Oh good, I did. And my wrist brace. Even better.

And I get the house to myself this weekend. It's as rare for the Roommate to go out of town as it is for me, though I get drafted by the Boyfriend every now and again. I remember back in my wilder days once when I had the apartment to myself (wait, this isn't that kind of reminisce, I promise), I brought a couple guys I'd just met in a walls-painted-black Castro bar one afternoon back to my apartment to shave our heads before we went to a queer punk club in the Haight that night. The Roommate joked that I had better "clean up after the wild sex orgies" before he got back.

I suppose it's a sign of how domestic I've become, since the most subversive thing I think I'll do this weekend is walk to the bathroom without putting a robe on.

That's me, Mr. Kinky Domesticity: Vacuum Naked. Make some tasty bread while thinking impure thoughts. Go to Bed Bath and Beyond for a champagne stopper, so I can drink without wasting the whole bottle. ("The bubbles go right to my head! *giggle*"> Wash my delicate silk underpants in the bathroom sink. Get a sexy new haircut.

Flowers! Augh! I forgot about flowers! Aiyeeee...!



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.