Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



[NB: I've been retroactively posting old entries, if anyone actually looks at dates. This has been sitting on my desktop for four or five days, and I've just never gotten around to posting it. Life goes on as normal as life ever does. I'll try to update the updates today. :-)]

Went to Cirque du Soleil's show Draillon last week. That was quite excellent. There's a dance/acrobatics piece they called the "Aerial Pas de deux" -- with two performers and a large blue scarf as a rope which is absolutely spectacular. Bonus points for the show's costumes; they were incredible. Bonus points for Les Voilas! and Joe DePaul as well, who had moments of great hilarity.

My roommate *volunteered* to go to the grocery store the other night. This is unprecedented, and usually I have to beg and plead and cajole, and then just end up spending $50 on necessities at the health food store, which is a block or two closer. I had to move the car for street cleaning anyway. Tonight, we do laundry. I also have to fill out my absentee ballot and get it mailed.

Made a potato bread on Sunday Night. Wasn't until Wednesday night that I even tasted it. It's been like that in my house.

I'm having one of those physical falling apart days. My hands are cracked and fissured, and sore spots have appeared in the joints. A ring-like rash has appeared around one finger on the other hand -- a wedding ring from my phantom bride. My wrists still hurt -- both of them now -- and my joints all over are stiff. I think I have dry skin on my face and dandruff. Let's not talk about my itches. I feel bloated, and even my fat pants are tight. The meat is rotting. I suppose I should attend to the non-virtual me, but I find it so much less interesting than the virtual one.

Spent a couple days doing Pok�mon graphics at work. I'm still not sure whether I'm fascinated or disgusted by them. But I can now tell you the level difference between a Squirtle and a Blastoise, what attacks the Charizard has, and what the Marowak's special defense is. Should come in handy the next time I'm trying to pick up a 10 year old at a bar. :-) Seriously, though, I do have to stop and worry when I actually looked at ads in Sunday's papers and considered getting a Gameboy and a copy of Pok�mon Yellow...yikes.

Admittedly, it has been amusing to shout out "These Pok�mon suck! Gimme a Gastly!"

As usual, The Sky Is Falling(tm) for certain executives in my workplace. I love cleaning up after other people's imaginary crises. That's why I'm wearing my Tina the Troubled Teen T-Shirt. Because I have a bad attitude.

Tina the Troubled Teen



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.