Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Damn. Everything is pissing me off today. Annoying requests for changes to an annoying project. Not enough sleep. I woke up to the sound of the air compressor next door this morning and today at work, guess what's set up outside my window? Another air compressor!

Aim for my head.

And my wrist hurts. That's the most bothersome thing right now, too, because I had thought I was doing better at keeping it protected from strain. There's a ton of stuff I need to do before I leave today (and I have to leave early, too) and the wrist guard is only somewhat effective at keeping the wrist from moving. Late last night (after playing a bunch of Nintendo, because heaven forbid I take a break from the computer) I put ice on it again, which did wonders to calm it down and cool me off enough to finally get some sleep. But it's warm out today and so's the wrist, so everything there is all loosey-goosey, and then sweaty underneath the wrist brace. What I really need is to plan time off away from a computer altogether.

Did I say that? Ugh. That's just wrong.

Honestly, three days of vacation was nowhere near enough. But in the days that I've been back, I've been more inclined to work than goof off. Though the temptation is there. I think it may help that things are more settled, oddly enough, with my old boss finally and officially gone.

Of course, now the power is out at another building. I can't access the servers I need, but at least we still have power and can keep working. See, it's an irritation, not a pain.

We're more than half-way through the film festival now. We've seen six film programs, with two more tonight (thus the leaving-early part) and two on Saturday. Opening night was good; we made it from our movie (Gaudi Afternoon, which was very good) to the Gala downtown early enough to get a couple glasses of wine and a couple platefuls of hors d'oeuvres before the crowd got too thick. The movies have been pretty good so far, with even the less-successful ones brightened by Q&A with the directors afterwards. little listen to an old comedy record on MP3, some lunch and a project approval later, and I'm feeling much better, and ready to go.

The Boyfriend and I have taken it on as a challenge to try as many restaurants as possible in his neighborhood, not counting fast food. I'd hazard to guess that we won't hit every taqueria nearby either, (and there are a few, it being the Mission and all) though there are a couple with attached restaurants that we need to check out. Besides, the point of the exercise is for new experiences, not completeness. Presumably we'll pick a new neighborhood once we feel satisfied that we've got a multi-block, walking-distance radius covered.

In the meantime it means we're trying some really good food. The tapas, sangria and gaspacho we had at Picaro (16th and Valencia) were excellent on a warm summer evening.

Which reminds me: Spain. We're behind in planning for our trip to Spain, though I've started reading Breaking out of Beginner's Spanish. I'm starting to freak out a little about, which I suppose might be the motivation I need to start doing something about it in earnest.

OK, this entry is a little shorter than usual, but I have to run; the 6PM movie is a presentation on the History of Gay Porn. Should be really interesting from a historical perspective.

No really! It's educational!


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.