Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Somebody moved my nipples.

In the continuing saga of ergonomic correctness, I have a new keyboard and new mouse here at work. I can already tell this is going to be a little problematic. The little nubs on the keyboard that tell you where your fingers go are actually on the same keys as my old keyboard (D and K), but are further apart, so I have to re-learn how to feel for them. Not only that, but because it's a split keyboard, all my other bad typing habits are being found out. The word "you" is typed entirely with the right hand. I rely on the delete key entirely too much -- it's not half the size it used to be, so I keep adding slashes after my misspellings.

Primarily, it may require shock therapy to convince my left index finger not to type the letter 'Y'.

Well, at least I know that the physical therapist will be able to help set up the ECT for me. He's a very nice guy, slightly attractive, but not really my type. Said the icepack treatments were likely to do the most good to keep swelling down and keep from re-injuring myself. He gave me two options for therapy -- ultrasound or a more rigorous treatment with a medicated pad and electric current. My choice. Let's see...One they use to spy on unborn fetuses, one they use on death row inmates. Hm, what a choice. Not being a former Texas Governor, I chose the ultrasound.

I was laughing at it at first. What is this silly thing? So there's some clear KY-like warming goop and a metal prod he's rubbing on my wrist. Great. What kind of Hoodoo science is this? Next I'll be wearing magnets and...well, then I felt a little something. Dunno. Maybe something really was happening. I still have my doubts, but it was tingling a little, and I don't think that was from the wrist-lube, either.

The Roommate will be saddened to know that I finally got sick of having three feet of extra velcro on my wrist brace and have cut it down to size. Now he won't be able to lead me about the house with it. Of course, I won't be able to whip him about the head with it either, so I guess it balances out in the end.

Well, learning how to type again will at least give me a small excuse for being less productive at work than usual. I'm really trying to scrape up a small bit of caring about the place but yesterday and today have left me feeling, well, numb. I'm not interested in the work I have to do, or at least I'm not interested in the work I have to do right now in order to eventually get to more interesting parts of these projects. I have at least one email to be sent which is hanging over me like a cloud. And I feel like I cannot be productive until it's sent, but I cannot finish it until I feel more productive. Gross.

I've decided to buy a new TV. I don't watch a lot of TV, but we do rent movies and watch videos. My friend Sherilyn lent me the first four episodes of Invader Zim taped from Nickelodeon. It took me three episodes to figure out that the square black symbol at the start of each show was the parental rating and said "TV Y" in it, and wasn't some stylized tree symbol.

I told you I didn't watch much TV.

I'm hoping my Powells book order is delivered today, but I'm not holding my breath. Even if it got here, I don't know if the mailroom is open to get it over to this building. Seems like half the office has left already and the other half are trying to leave early today. Either just to leave early, or to miss traffic, or, for those of us who are pedestrians or bicyclists, be missed by traffic.

At lunch I finally ran into (and actually said hello to) one of Huntington's friends -- a mutual friend of ours from our days at UCSB -- who apologized for not being so cheerful or energetic. Poor thing sounded like he's been having everything bad in my whole last month happen in the past week. Nonetheless I'm reminded that I was going to try to be more social. Send more email. Go out to lunch. Something.

But preferably something that doesn't involve typing the letter "y".


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.