Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



This past week (and today) I did better at leaving work at a normal hour. That tended to be seven most nights, but I was also a little groggy from Codeine cough syrup, so I was straggling in to work at ten most days.

The flowers from the Boyfriend from last week when I was sick (as opposed to this week while I'm sick, cough-hack) are nearing the end of their existence as floral treats and rapidly becoming merely vegetable matter. I'm still trying to keep them as long as I can. Kind of like I'm trying to keep from turning into merely squishy, organic matter myself. This is harder than I thought.

Well, I suppose this is pretty good news. The doctor at work believes that the stiffness and minor pain I feel in my wrist are primarily caused by sore muscles, and there appears to ne no serious nerve damage (i.e., Carpal Tunnel) yet. So I have a brace I'm supposed to wear while I work and physical therapy this week. Plus ice packs to put on it when I get home. I can't help but think of Dilbert: Still Pumped From Using the Mouse.

Oh yeah, total Geek Chic in my putty colored wrist brace, especially with the four inches of extraneous Velcro sticking out.

Today my mouse hand is a little sore because I was up late slaying demons, something I hadn't done in a long time. I feel a little pressure to update all these various media entities I've involved myself in and haven't allowed myself a big ol' geek-game night in a long time. I mean, this was something I thought about when I decided I wanted to be like the cool kids and start a Weblog. But I still exert pressure on myself to write something, even if it's not a full diary entry everyday. Really, doing these more than weekly would be great, but at about a thousand words an entry I feel like the entries get a little thin at more than one or two a week. Even with subtle pressure from the roommate and some other good diarists I find other things to do instead of writing.

Of course, now I want to go kick Diablo's ass again tonight, but I should probably retire early, as I'm tired. Harrumph.

Waiting for books from Powells. Like I need any more books. But in this order are travel books for Spain. It's getting on time to plan this trip the Boyfriend and I are going to take in September. And I need to know what there is to see and do if I'm going to be expected to help make decisions about it. Though I think spending the night in a castle might be a pretty good decision.

Speaking of monuments, of a sort...the Boyfriend and I tried to have dinner in an 18th century French schooner on Saturday night. The place is called (I believe) the Sailing Ship Restaurant, and it's literally in a boat that's ashore near Pac Bell Park, across from some rather expensive condos for lease ("From the 700,000's" said the sign. The mind boggles.) We showed up and only had a drink at their bar -- they're only open for dinner with advance reservations. I think this is the sort of thing I may have to organize for the Boyfriend's birthday. This might be pricey, but he'll love it. The place is a little funky, as you might imagine from a 200 year old vessel. But it's totally charming with a lovely view of the Bay.

Apparently, and unfortunately not surprisingly, the condos across the street seem to think it's declass� to have a restaurant there, and I'm sure it's "ruining" their own view of the boats in the water. We signed a petition to "Save Our Ship." I couldn't find any information about this on the Web, but it certainly smells about right. San Franciscans who live in super-expensive planned communities on the Waterfront complaining about the "tacky" restaurant across the Embarcadero? Who would have thought it...sigh.

We had a pretty nice dinner anyway at what was described as a nearby "see and be seen" restaurant. It was there, we were hungry; he wanted fish, I wanted pasta. I'd have rather dropped the cash at the Ship, but you know the saying about ports and storms. We didn't make our later destination and ended up just watching "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" at home, probably interrupting the Roommate's planned Wonder Woman evening. Because I'm mean, that's why.

OK, time for a pill, some pizza, and an ice pack.

Oh yeah, feel the burn....



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.