Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Geez, Valentine's Day came and went in a flash.

Of course, everything has come and gone in a flash this week. Mostly in Macromedia flash, to be specific. (Thank you, I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress.)

Amazingly, the Boyfriend and I got reservations at one of his favorite restaurants. Through pure luck and great timing on my part, I got a cancellation two days before. We were literally the last people seated that evening. The live jazz was nice. The food was pretty good. The wine was great. The company was best of all. I'm lucky as hell to have him around.

Today is some big presentation at work that we've been planning for a couple of weeks. I dunno what it's about, and I'm too tired to care. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be there or if I've been used and discarded now. Ah well. I have another client presentation to give on a project that isn't fit to be shown yet. And it's already been a 40 hour week. Just a little bit longer...

But in the plus column, I got a neat new toy for work: a Blackberry. Now I can read and answer email wherever I go. Now I can get rid of my pager. Now I can look like a serious new media geek. Actually it's lot easier to type with than it looks, but I understand now why my boss sent me a message recently that she'd call me in "W hours." You wouldn't want to write a novella on this sucker.

Also upping my geek cred this week...I now have Greymatter set up and configured for a new weblog. Yay me. (Actually, yay a well designed, easy to install package, Noah.) Now I'm headlong into the design of the page. Problem is, I'm impatient and busy. I'm tempted to throw caution to the wind and just send it out into the world as is. I figure if my personal site looks like it was designed in 1998, and this site is still based on one of the early diaryland templates, I can at least try and do one site of my own with a little style.

For a change.

So much for posting this entry tonight. Apparently we only get eight hours advance notice that our DSL service will be out for a few hours. I'm gonna whine like a baby about it. Waah. (Seems like they're done early, actually, so you get to read this sooner.)

And I'm still craving King's Cake like nobody's business. I like eating things that are bright unnatural colors.

Took a cab home the other night and had one of those moments that reminds you that time keeps moving on with or without you. The lisping cab driver settled the radio on the Monkeys' "Daydream Believer." I told him about the Shonen Knife cover. We started reminiscing about Bay Area radio, and dance clubs "I'm a little older than you," he told me, "I'm 43." The same age as one of my half-siblings, I noted to myself. And then he asked (rhetorically) "So how do you hear about new music these days?" I realized I don't really know. And oddly it's been less important to me. I'll often work in silence, not bothering to turn on my MP3 player. I don't go CD shopping as often as I used to, and most of the money I've spent recently was for filling in my Kraftwerk and Marc Almond collections.

This should come as a surprise to no one, but I'm officially not living the rock-and-roll lifestyle anymore.

I think I'm finally doing better. Up until recently I hadn't been listening to anything later than 1995. My Alternative-Hipster-Poseur "Pop Music Sucks" stance had, over the years, started to fray into "You Kids Today Listen to Crap" old man posturing. And despite my recent romps through the 60s 70s and 80s in frantic Naptster-enabled downloading frenzies, I'm actually finding music I enjoy that was made in the past year. Thanks also to the Roommate and his rockstar friends and favorites, I'm reminded that cool people make cool music, and sad to see San Francisco, (which used to be a fun place to go out in) turn so cold towards local music.

And there I go again...I do go on, don't I? [Shaking fist] "You kids get out of my yard! And you can't have your ball back, either!"

Did that make any sense at all? No?

I think I need to get more sleep.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.