Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



I'm not sitting in the dark just because I like to. I'm doing my part to save electricity in our great State. No, really!

Have I mentioned that I haven't wanted to do any work this week? Only twelve or thirteen times a minute? Oh, I can do better than that. It's four o'clock as I start this, and I am so dispirited. Much of the past two days, with no "boss" in the office, I've slacked off most if not all day.

The Gothic Christmas tree is still up (though we're supposed to finish the Holiday Gift Ceremonies tonight.) My sites aren't transferred to the new service I've paid for. I've done little design work. In fact, I'd hazard to say I've done nothing productive besides develop a 22nd level Barbarian in the past week, if you call that "productive." At least I wasn't reading blogs. I was even so lazy that I let my car get a ticket rather than go move it for street cleaning. In short, I've been a total loser.

I'm not feeling apologetic about this, either.

Though the Boyfriend and I had a nice dinner with a large bunch of friends at a French Restaurant this weekend. French food is not known for being particularly vegetarian friendly, but this is San Francisco, and a vegetarian plate was easily proffered. A tasty one, I might add. It was good. [I also enjoyed pretending that the cute French waiter was flirting with the Boyfriend and me, almost as much as (possibly because) I was holding the Boyfriend's hand under the table. I'm still a goof sometimes.]

Walking home yesterday, I saw this lovely image in my head of myself as a cruel, dark spirit. I was dressed all in black, with a black umbrella to stop the rain, which ran furiously down my black raincoat and off the ends of my black shoes. Only my crisp white face glowed ominously -- frighteningly -- from under the brim of my umbrella. I walked purposefully and quickly, cutting through traffic effortlessly and past pedestrians seemlessly, almost floating. Unworldly. Celestial. And purely Evil.

Unfortunately, I also had a big white plastic Safeway bag with potatoes in it. A basic truth: It's hard to look truly evil while carrying tubers in the rain.

The rain has brought us a houseguest -- a small brown mouse, who I met last week when we shared a morning defecation together. So after a little handwringing about live capture or traps and being a vegetarian, I broke down and bought traps. My "sanctity of life" ethics go out the window when "cute fuzzy little mousey" becomes "disease-spreading vermin in my house." So far the traps have been ineffective -- just little peanut-butter-coated plastic things that I kick while cooking dinner. Either our guest got the idea and left or s/he's smarter than we think. (I joked that we'd wake up one morning and find "Surrender Dorothy" smeared low on the wall, in peanut butter.)

My sleeping patterns are completely ruined. I'm routinely awake until 3 or 4 in the morning lately. I've gone so far as to turn off the computer (!) and read (!!!) in a vain attempt to be sleepy. Problem: I'm reading an interesting book. Faster by James Gleick, which is, ironically, about saving time by doing things quicker, but becoming overwhelmed at that pace.

I'm finding reviews that call it a "good afternoon's read" and a "light snack". But by the time I've powered down the electronics, I really can only do about 30 pages at a time. I used to be a voracious reader. Now I have a job, a boyfriend, and the entire internet to read before I can relax with a book.

All right, a couple days have passed of this slack fest -- slacked through the lot of it, even slacked through updating my journal -- and I'm paying for it with instant karma. I'm getting sick, I was supposed to attend a dinner with the Sales team, and I'm way behind in multiple projects, both work and personal ones. I gave in; stayed late trying to do work (yeah, right; like that was effective!), skipped the dinner (politics be damned), brought work home (rolling on the floor at that one). I still didn't manage to get to bed early. In fact, I led the Roommate into a late night with me "not watching" some of the new DVDs I got over the holidays. I'm Evil (with potatoes).

And worse, I have to travel for business with my boss. We go to Boston next week -- leaving on a Tuesday, back on a Wednesday. Such a long way to travel for so little.... Mostly I'm dreading some sort of disaster that will leave me screaming at my employer on the way there and looking for a new job on my return. And it'll be cold, though I have no idea if snow from the weekend will still be on the ground. I've never been in a city in the snow; I've only seen it up at my grandparents house in the Sierras.

And since there's no free time booked into the schedule, there'll be no sightseeing or looking up Ron from my popular sites lists. (Like I'd ever really do that; I'd be way too shy.)

All right. I must try to apply myself. Perhaps I'll apply myself to some coffee first.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.