Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



N.B. Yup, it's another post I never finished at the time but really meant to put up. It's basicly been written in 2001, but I left in enough to give it the flavor of 2000. Isn't that neat? And look! I've discovered Time Travel!

OK, done with work, for real this time. I'll check voicemail but have no intention of showing up any other day this week. Tuesday was just dumb. I meant to clean out my email inbox, but I spent the day piddling around and leaving early. There was nobody around, except in accounting, who get the brunt of their work around the ends of months, quarters and years.

Christmas was quiet, mostly. Went to a slightly raucous Christmas Eve at friends of the Boyfriend. They were quite excited at the presents we brought. The glasses he decided on (and wrapped quite beautifully with a nice bottle of bourbon) were quite a hit. The postcard I framed of a risqu� pulp novel with our host's name in the title was a big hit. There was a lot of wine flowing, so there were lots of big hits that evening. But still I think we did a good job at gift-giving, and they're always generous hosts.

Christmas morning was presents with the Boyfriend. Pajamas and coffee again, but no videotaping this year. I got a little present from his parents (!) and the two aunts I met in September. I'm quite amazed at the Complete Monty Python Box Set on DVD -- quite a find. "And I got a good deal!" said the boyfriend. Very well done.

Christmas dinner was with Mom and Dad and a neighbor couple of theirs. It was just three couples having Christmas dinner together, except that...well, one of the couples wasn't being particularly "couple-y" in front of my dad. No, there was still no dramatic Christmas Day announcement of my sexual inversion, despite the urging from a couple people I know. I felt a little bad that my mother ended up driving around the last few days getting little presents for me and for Paul. Particularly after the coat incident from my previous entry. She's not convinced that a cool leather coat isn't a good enough present? Ah well. I do hope I was properly appreciative for the gifts anyway.

Tonight the Roommate and I did our Christmas, with champagne and after sunset. Computer peripherals (which we'll both use) plus software and DVDs, because you can never go wrong with Media.

People seemed happy with my presents to them. Mostly I hope everyone understands my sentiments behind them. Big kudos to the Pitsco-Lego Dacta sales department who managed to ship the (nearly impossible to find) Lego Mindstorms' Mac-compatable equivilent "Robolab" so close to Christmas. Smaller kudos to UPS, who didn't seem to want to find another way to contact me when the truck arrived, but did manage to keep track of it in the madness that is the last delivery day before Christmas.

And this next holiday involves champagne, so it can't be all bad.


2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.