Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Yikes, did that much time really pass since I updated? Sheesh. You'd think I had a life or something. It's been so long that I'm using my Palm Pilot to figure out what happened over the past month. Honestly, I did start one other entry in September, but never got the chance to finish and post it. Nor have I quite known how to respond to the one or two email 'nags' about updating the site. (No disrepect intended to my email friends there -- I need a prod or two in the heiney to make sure I don't let this thing slide completely.)

The wedding passed, even if the shopping adventure from my last entry took longer than I imagined. Eventually The Botfriend and I agreed on a wedding present. He wanted to give something distinctive, that the couple could remember us by. That scared me. I just wanted to get something off the registry. I offered the option of giving a gift with both parts, but he eventually agreed that the reason people getting married make lists of the things they want or need is so that they don't end up with twelve bar tool sets and no glasses.

The Wedding was definitely Christian. I tried not to itch too badly through the reading of the Bible verses. Once that part was over, it wasn't too bad. The casual reception afterwards was pleasant. In all, not an awful way to spend a Saturday afternoon in the shade. Yes, I did think, "I could have been playing with virtual people instead."

The real ones aren't as easy to control.

Actually, my addiction to the Sims is waning, rapidly replaced with yet a new addiction: Diablo II. If it's not one thing it's another. Maybe I should take time off and just deal with these addictions by facing them full on! Yeah! Then I'll be better able to concentrate at work! They can do without me for a week!

Stop snickering.

The next weekend was a birthday party for my favorite eight-year-old. I shopped for presents at toy stores and computer stores. I bought him too much, probably. Oh well, I don't have any other children in my life to spoil. We went bowling. Afterwards the adults went out to drinks and to catch Alvin Youngblood Hart at Biscuits and Blues. I was expecting the kitchen to be open for at least appetizers; they were definitely closed for the evening. Consequently I might have had one martini too many on an empty stomach. Been quite a while since I've been that, um...relaxed, shall we say.

The following day was the Folsom Street Fair, which some would say is a bad place to be while a little hungover. I survived. We spent too much time in the sun. I got color in my face. I hate that. Though I enjoyed seeing Blue Period live. Adrian Roberts is a force of nature...if, um, nature threw confetti and glitter instead of rain or snow, that is.

Through some of the parade we hung out for an impromptu party at a friend's rented loft apartment just nearby. No offense meant to him, but I hate the space. For what he's paying? Yikes. Ugly and impersonal. And the landlords are moneygrubbing bastards -- gee, isn't that a surprise. Makes me appreciate our own invisible but reasonable landlord.

Hung out with straight people who yelled catcalls to people standing in line for the

The biggest news is that The Boyfriend and I are going on vacation, for real and everything. Staying at a cute bed and breakfast in New Hampshire, an island off the coast of Portland, ME; a nice hotel in Manhattan; and then down to the DC area. Somehow I managed to talk my boss into letting me go for two weeks, during the biggest advertising push of the season. I think it's probably the realization that I have five weeks of saved vacation time, and if she didn't let me, I'd take time off the hard way.

It might have concerned me once to spend two weeks with him. That's not really an issue now. I'm looking forward to the time together. I've been trying not to stress over every detail of the trip and just let it happen. One catch. This trip, I get to meet his parents. Yikes. Does this mean I'll have to wear color?

I should do some work this evening. Instead, I'm going to talk to the Boyfriend, eat pizza and kill demons, probably in that order, too.

Talk to you soon.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.