Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Yeow. Time passes. I tried to write an entry on the 2nd, but my browser crashed and took the entry with it. And at this moment, I have no idea what it was about. And then time passed.

I hate it when it does that. It should learn -- when I say stop, it should stop. Dammit. :-)

I *think* I was ranting about how New Years went (it was fun) and how much champagne we had (enough) and how wonderful and generous our hosts were (enormously). Hmm. Dunno. Poof, it's gone. It was a relative non-event.

Gave the boyfriend a little sentimental trinket for our two year anniversary. He's the sweetest thing to ever happen to me. And we've been each others' for two years...two years?? Yow. Time passes. I had no idea I could be with one person for two years. And I still love him with all my heart.

Still upset that there wasn't more death and destruction on Y2K. Just a *little* panic and chaos? Please? No? Oh well. But I am debating picking up a generator and some canned foods for cheap...<grin>

The Gothic Christmas came down, finally, with final presents delivered. Mostly. Except for The Roommate, who still thinks I have presents coming. Whatever. But I put away the Angel of Death until next year. And folded up the tree and stuck it in a bag. Poof! It's over. I may never have a real tree again...

Work is slow slow slow slow slow. But I think that's fair given the last half of last year. Actually, almost all of last year. But that's gone now. Time passes.

Still making bread. (I have a loaf which has probably started automatically at home right now. The Farmers' Almanac said it was good day for baking.) Actually, I've been enjoying food a lot lately; we've been domestic a lot and have made: a festive new year's eve dinner of steamed vegetables and ravioli; Traditional New Year's Day supper of black-eyed peas, Mustard Greens (they were out of Collards), and cornbread (from mix, I admit); Grilled tempeh for me, and a roast beef and potatoes for the carnivores. Every meal has been lovely to me. I suppose that's why I haven't been fitting in my jeans too well. Oops! Just what the world needs -- another queer, fat goth.

I was pleased to see other online diarists (like SOMABoy and Lara enjoying a good southern tradition like the greens and black-eyed peas. Lara, I still have cornbread left; you should have come over. The Roommate picked up the tradition from his Grandmother. I picked it up from an ex-roommate, and it struck a cord for the Louisiana half of my family. (That, and I like Okra. Who knew.) The Boyfriend indulges us in this bit of superstition. We saved the drippings from the greens to make a fierce -- and deep purple -- vegetarian soup sometime. After some time passes.

And we all know it will.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.