Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



OK, the Christmas holidays didn't end up being as bad as I imagined. Christmas eve was going to be a lot of running about getting last minute presents. It wasn't so much of that. Places to pick stuff up were closed. The UPS order went to work, which was closed, so I didn't get those. I got a lot of groceries, which are still sitting in the fridge, having ordered Chinese food for dinner.

Christmas morning was stereotypical. The boyfriend and I padded around in pajamas and took turns playing the part of the excited little kid ("Pwesents! Gotta open da pwesents!"). He got me CD shelves, which were 7 feet tall and gift wrapped. ("You got me my own crucifix? Kewl! My Messiah Complex was acting up!") We videotaped opening everything, because that's what his family did. He gets to edit that one. I don't ever want to see it again -- I had bad hair. :-)

Christmas dinner was also relatively uneventful. His friends had a great spread, lots of wine, dessert and port, and even presents. I got soap for the *second* time this Christmas. Time to clean up my act? Wash out my mouth? Bathe myself of my sins? Their seven-year-old had the exact reaction to the gift of Pokemon that I expected -- I got a huge hug for about 5 seconds and then the objects were hustled at full speed into the kid's room. It was very cute. But then, I'm rarely around kids, so I can handle Pokemon. The Child's mom said that she didn't even allow Pokemon to enter her mind, beyond its existance. Probably a wise move. Me, I could have been a Pokemon addict, except that I'm about 20 years too old.

Then came Christmas with my parents on the day after. They were very sporting to break tradition this year and wait a day. But then we've never been ones to worry about tradition -- if it wasn't too much trouble, we'd do it. Otherwise, it can slide. You only live once. (As an aside, on Christmas The Boyfriend described someone as, "He doesn't stand on ceremony, except occasionally to squish it underneath his heel.") The parents seemed quite happy with their presents, which was either good luck on my part or good acting on theirs. :-)

They gave me a bread machine. Yay! I love it...Made my first loaf of bread last night, and was simply amazed that I didn't have to do anything and I got bread. Magic! I expect I'll be less enthusiastic in a few weeks, but for now, I'm making lots of bread. Jesus would be proud -- first the crucifix, now the loaves thing...Next up, water into wine! (I'm teasing. Please don't send me Christian hate mail. Really.)

There are a lot of people I owe email, and I probably should send them before the Thousand-year Odometer rolls over and civilization-as-we-know-it ends. I need to get to writing, not playing the kewl videogames The Roommate got me for Xmas. Really. I should.

I also have all those books I really ought to read. And all the new ones The Roommate got me. Not the videogames. Books. Reading.

Are you buying any of that? No, I didn't think so either.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.