Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



Let's see. Uh, it was on an island. And there was this snake. And the snake had legs. And he could walk all around the island. Yes. That's true. A snake with legs.

And the man and the woman were on the island too. And they were not very smart. But they were happy as clams. Yeah.

Laurie Anderson, "Langue D'Amour" Mister Heartbreak

A sign that I'm using the computer too much: I just discovered that real world highlighter pens do not work like computer selections. If I just "click" at the beginning and end of my selection in the real world -- even if I hold down on the stylus (aka "highlighter") -- all I get is two dots. I have to actually drag it across all the text I want to select, row by row.

Jeez, talk about a bad user interface....

I'm also such a geek -- yes, moreso than usual -- because I'm still really excited that I came up with a supremely clever network password. But I can't write about it because that would compromise network security and then I couldn't use the password. So I end up incredibly frustrated. So you'll have to just imagine that I've just told you this impossibly clever and magnificently witty password and chuckle politely for me, in admiration of my amazing password-making skillz. Then you can mutter "freak" as you turn around and walk away.

I don't think I have words to express how much I do not want to be here at work for the next eight hours. Nine or ten, if I pull my normal routine. My mood fluctuates from practical ("I need a nap.") to paranoid ("They're trying to make me quit.") to full-fledged freak out ("My life is a lie!"). I know I sent some personal email in between a couple of these mood if you got email from me today and it sounded psychotic, that's why.

But if you didn't notice any difference, don't let me know about it, OK?

Look, everybody, look! I ate my whole bagel! And I only got up from my desk once while I was eating it! Most mornings I buy something for breakfast, and ordinarily if it's a bagel with cream cheese, it sits on my desk until lunch time. I suppose the fact that my boss and any of my coworkers are late or sick might have something to do with it. If there's no one here to interrupt me, I don't get interrupted.

Client: "We can't load these files because we have ActiveX turned off."

Me: "So turn on ActiveX."

Client: "We can't, for security reasons."

Me: "I guess you're not going to look at those files, then."

I think I know a solution here, and there really is one besides the client finding a bridge to throw himself off of. Oh, and I also love finding out that the work we've spec'd for another client might not be possible with the scotch-tape-and-popsicle-stick support we've got. Whoopsie.

Did I mention how much I don't want to be here today?

* * *

Well, clients have not called me back; I guess everything is working out all right for them. I've had my fill of staring at this screen. I want to go home and stare at the one there. Actually, I want to disconnect from the computer altogether and go out and play in the City with the Boyfriend. But that's tomorrow night. So tonight maybe I'll play the Sims. Or there's always the Web, my television; my nursemaid; the snake which tells me things about the world.

OK, it's definitely not deep, but at least it's honest.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.