Doc Martin

Fear Not Drowning



My dad finally got the belated Father's Day email I I suspected, he doesn't get in the office to check email so much. Oh well.

She returned to work. Definitely mixed emotions on that one. There's been a lot of crap that I didn't like dealing with that we had to take on while she was out, which she can do again. But at the same time....

Of course, it's not like I'm any use at work anyway. I feel overpaid for the low-level crap I do. I'm a month into this position and still don't really know what it is that I'm supposed to be doing. Today was really bad, as a late afternoon confrontation with a coworker left me feeling that no, in fact, I was completely a waste of time and energy.

I'm starting to contemplate -- very top level stuff here -- what life would be like if I actually stopped working there. What I would do if I were free.

That is, besides lose stock options.

I was absolutely horrified at what some stupid independant filmmaker did to a Nina Hagen Documentary we saw last Friday. You have, as a subject, one of the most talented voices in pop music, a very beautiful woman (even moreso today than 20 years ago when she started) and one of the most bizarre, wonderful, divine, nutters in the world. So why mute the sound on her? Why unfocus and jiggle the camera? Why show interviews with vapid and aging 'stars' (Lemmy from Motorhead? Evangeline?) instead of the people Nina interacts with?

Other than the film festival stuff, The Boyfriend and I avoided anything Pride related this past weekend. I don't think we missed things on purpose, per se; it's just that going out to Queer Pride was not really where either of us wanted to be. He was perfectly happy looking at motorcycles at eBay motors. I was content to make the pounding in my head stop. And as I told people at work, I'm proud of being a (mostly) open queer every day of the damn year. What do I need a parade for?

Does this mean I'm a bad homosexual, on top of everything else?

Sunday did see me paint my fingernails black, as I've often threatened to do, in a very half-hearted attempt to embody "Queer Goth Pride." (Originally, I was going to make a rainbow flag t-shirt for it, where all the stripes were shades of black on a black shirt. Somehow, time ran out before I could actually do it.) The Boyfriend looked at me a little funny, but made no effort to stop me. I think he's grown used to me being, well, a little off. Two compliments at work on them (even though they're kinda messy, but oh well); otherwise people have been trying to pretend that they didn't notice.

Please don't tease or feed the straight people.

Our Date-Night event was seeing "Chicken Run" in the theater. It was amusing -- not fall-down funny, but amusing in subtle ways. I was glad to see that other people caught the Weather Girls reference "It's Raining Hen"...maybe it was the influence of Pride weekend (The insidious, lurking influence of Pride Weekend...bwa-ha-ha-ha!) but I thought there was at least another nod to the gay little children when a pair of rats decide to dance on the rafters together. ["Would you like to dance?" (long pause) "Awl right..."] See it? Was it one of the many movie references? Clue me in.

Not a lot of people were there at 11pm on Saturday night, but seeing a claymation G-rated flick probably isn't everyone's idea of a rockin' saturday night. There was a nice group of bears who sat in front of us. I thought it odd that they were skipping the usual rainbow-striped debauch too. However, that means we all missed the "Pink Saturday" celebration in the Castro, where people, um...stand around outside and look gay...and,, like, proud and stuff.

And boy aren't I sorry.

Next year, I really ought to make those t-shirts.



2003-03-29 - Moving Notice
2002-06-04 - Accordians and Ambassadors (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-24 - Manias (Diary Fragment)
2002-05-09 - See this little island here?
2002-04-24 - Bored and Drippy.